If only I was close to some quality training.. because finding training partners here is a hard task...
Well.. the thing is I talk to alot of people about it and they seem interested, "Yeah Yeah I want to train".. and then when I try to organize it they make up some excuses...
Or this has happened alot too.. I actually organize it and they sound keen but then don't show up or cancel like a half hour before.. WTF!..
I've had it twice this week.. 2 guys who were coming just didn't show up... both rang hours later.. one said "I forgot".. the other forgot and I even had sent him a sms earlier but "his phone was turned off"... he rang me later on that night.. and were ment to train tonight.. I have no idea if he will show up or not.. now sometimes people legitimately forget, but this happens to regularly for it to be legitimate..
I'm getting more frustrated at this.. wondering how I can find quality people.. even if its only one or two that show up regularly.. I had one for about 3 or 4 months until he got whipped by a girlfriend..
I'm even thinking about going to some traditional classes to try to recruit some training partners.. I don't think itll go down well.. but I may try.. I even talked to a TKD instructor who sounded keen.. but then when I started to tell him my philosophy of training hard with resistance and doing scenarios where we yell and scream to cause adrenaline to get used to it.. he seemed to change his mind and get upset that I didn't agree with his philosophy..
Now I don't know if its just this town.. I live in the country in a kind of small place.. there is a few traditional arts here.. 3x TKD classes, Hapkido, Aikido, Tai Chi.. and I think what I want to do seems to be shunned.. and word seems to have got around in the martial arts community here.. this sounds strange but I will tell you why I beleive this..
I was training with a friend who is a street fighter and was trained by his dad in boxing and wrestling.. he has fought all his life and is the best fighter I know, the only friend who I would trust my life with and back him up completely.. and he is a bit hardcore.. I like it.. but he went and trained in a few classes and just did what was normal for him and would mop the floor with the instructors even when he was just playing around.. and they didn't like it and everybody was warned that he was dangerous.. but in reality it was their ego and that their style wasn't as good as they thought.. now it wasn't my friend going in being an asshole, he respects all martial arts and is eager to learn and just went and did what he does naturally, which is fight well.. and they couldn't handle it..
I've talked to alot of people in the community here and they all said they won't train with him he takes it too serious etc.. and I basically turned my back and trained with him.. learnt alot that i've actually used in real life, more than any 'system' i've been in.. and now it seems i've been grouped in the same light as him.. and they want to avoid training with me.. i'm no where near as good or hardcore as him though.. to tell the truth i'm totally out of shape at the moment, haven't trained properly for ages, my skills have dropped alot and i'm way slower and weaker than I used to be.. so maybe its just my attitude towards training, of wanting it to be realistic..
I would be training with him still, but he moved away to another state for about a year to work..
Then I guess its just human nature saying their going to do stuff.. and don't.. I wish they could just say 'no' so I could move on to somebody who really means 'yes'..
So for me at the moment its solo training which I can't really stand to do for too long.. and 'on the job' training..
Anyone else whos not near a good place to train had problems with finding people and have solved it, I could really use some advice..
I'd rather just train every now and then from Reality Based dvd's and what i've learnt from them instead of going to some taekwondo class which would just teach me to get hurt (I know from experience, I have my TKD black belt, but then got beat up)..
This stuff seems to be a problem with reality based type systems in my experience, except in big cities.. there was a really good freestyle class I trained in for 2 years when I was 18 (after TKD) but they went out of business, not enough people, and the instructors don't do it at all anymore..