I think training for being stunned and/or shocked is supervital and use of dropping power/gravity a crucial part of that. Just grab em and move. ideally locking their joints and getting in a tap into their eyes and then apply eye n throat attacks.
He was quite kung fu and silat traditional but then has gravitated via bouncing to CP and Military training.
But yeah, I agree. Too complex some of it: he is still a little stuck in the subjective trap of having and being able to use very high skill. Us mere mortals may have to go a little muay thai basic* in the heat of it though he has some sweet elbow drills if you look. I like him...
I made a typically harsh crit of this demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUzMtCWnKX4
and as you can see he just laughed me off... oh well. Oops.. I seem to be giving my "real identity" away. Not very ninja nagualist of me. No worries, I can trust you guys, right?
I loved the beat downs he dishes out in this Mil CQC demo https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamWuJin#p/u/27/pEOVMj_vO_0
though again the "attacker"/punchbag was a bit too compliant and soft, just like the anti-stick demo.
* I had a funny awful daydream earlier of reverting to clinch and repeated knees if it got close instead of all my Luke style rapid hands. Oh, the shame.