i feel like a little kid, every time a new DVD arrives from Richie,
i find myself saying, "this and this and this are the 3 DVD's i would
recomend for your sound arsenol to your street fighting approach"
am i at 4 now. i just watched GCR, and i'll be damned because i'm
at that special white belt place all over again. from the sound starting
point, to taking the head offline, to the 'pike' [ha ha...i will now call
it that forever and not heed the pneumonic warning
], to stealing
that puss head and allowing it to feed into my, well, feed.
really amaizing in it's clarity of vision. some of the morsels i've found
in my own training, maybe most of them...but for some reason i didn't
connect the dots that allowed me to see the paradime. for some reason
i didn't [uh-oh, metaphor coming
] see the thread connecting
those 108 beads, even as they were the structural integrity.
so here i am...again, blown away by:
-violent intent
-street boxing
-explosivity concepts from beta 8
and now
you'll really up your game...no matter where you are on the spectrum
of practical experience. it will draw some of the points of light, if you will,
together and you'll have a cosmic experience of really knowing what
you're doing--and here's the key point, CONSCIOUSLY.
saying more would only be saying less.
my mate--who's PC hints of up-to-date-speed & working-features
, allowed me
to view the DVD...adding at the end [with some decisiveness], "just leave it in there
when you're finished". no dummy, that one.