two day s without alcohol and you cannot detect it anymore..
and your body contains from itself alcohol.. in small amount, but some people have more than others..
weed you can see for months.. so dont take it.
xtc is also quick out of your blood.
exact what you describe with your friend, i experienced also in the army.. we were in germany for training, and there was an american base, where we could buy tax free alcohol.. it was sooooo cheap and everybody bought maximum what we were allowed to buy.
same night they play cards and drink as much as they can.. i was on guard, so i couldnt join the party..
i went to sleep later, but checked the room upstairs, and one of the guys was totally wasted, shaking, white face white eye balls.. etc, he shitted himself, puking, and pissed in his own pants..
but later he just lay there...
so i take him to hospital.. and they say he was lucky i did this.. they had to suck out with a machine in his belly all the alcohol and food..
and lay in coma for 16 hours..
later he was angry at me because i had to let him sleep and nothing would happened. because they got problems with the staff about this incident.
i said to him, if you dont say sorry to me, i put you for long time in hospital stupid jackass..
and a big boy start crying and felt sorry about the whole thing.
and give him my advise... if you feel you are getting little bit drunk... no problem, BUT.. drink a glass of water, or cola, after each alcoholic drink.. you have to piss a lot more, and dont get dehydrated.. you feel also more nice drunk.
hey, but keep enjoying to have a party!