bewildering and stupid. am i to understand that consentual stupidity is now a crime?
if so, lets call it that!
why not just call two teans having a sexual encounter...conspiring to commit multiple statutory rapes.
i erroniously thought the missing piece in a crime was:
a. an adult being where he has no place being
b. no consent
if it wasn't so sad it'd be laughable...i didn't watch the whole piece so maybe there was one case
that didn't seem as straw-hat and illogical. just so i'm not out of my mind: two underage kids texting each other with images of nudity, selling or whatever because they're, well, daft...then being branded
a menace to our sensabilities, leaving us so incensed that we slap a terrorism charge or some other
unrelated and inappropriate backlash-style penalty in order to make the action anomylous.
can we also assume over eating at a buffet style restaurant is cruelty to animals--pate de goose-liver-esque.
"you are under arrest for cruelly stuffing heaps of tasty treats down your gob that will result in your becoming a fat bastard and health risk later in life [which will then cost us in terms of taxes/insurance/etc...]"