breathing almost coming to a stop. i'm now conjuring the spirit of
albert einstein.
om--crazy fluffy haired physicist dude who thought space
was suspicious--namah
om--crazy fluffy haired physicist dude who thought space
was suspicious--namah
om--crazy fluffy haired physicist dude who thought space
was suspicious--namah
shanti shanti shanti
all i (think i) understand is that our world works by laws that sort of bend as one approaches the limits(whatever that means) of the parameters of our universe from which we draw those conclusions. i sort of got interested because i like the way we (society) try and find finite meaning in an attempt to not lose our minds, and the closer we get to thinking, "oh yes, now i have all the answers", apparently nature/spirituality/whats-in-a-mc'donald's-burger/etc...turns around and says, "eh-eh...and now for something completely different", which in the case of the mc'donald's burger might be pink hairy shit.