if i messed up and didn't tack this on to an already existing topic, excuse the effect much to much lager has had on my
already punchy brain...
but this is my response to Richie's email about favorite k/o's...
sometimes when people are building up to a fight they have a favorite song...a war song kinda-like, i've seen it in a build up to a shooting in my fairly normal
neighborhood. i remember the shooter, now in context, but then as pumping himself up to his music. while i'm sure he was a complete dickhead/criminal (i can
tell you the guy he was largely missing survived at least) i felt that it must be the same for many people. i used to go to tournaments with a guy that would listen to certain heavy metal songs. having said all this background nonsense, my favorite k/o is embarassingly from fantasy--a movie. i've seen this sort of intensity once,on the street, and only felt it once in all the years i've wasted in tournaments. it was that clip on the forum starring that 'jake the mus' actor...but it was
the movie 'what becomes of the broken hearted'--the bar room scene. i love that shit. it's like he walking through butter. like his will is so intense, all others just
bend to his single minded, unfancy, speedy, powerful, vicious (did i leave anything out) attack. i love that he walked toward them. i could imagine the power
just sucking out of them as he approached. his alpha language was absofuckingliciously intoxicating. i'd make it my anchor if i could. i watched that clip so many
times, and it had a hypnotic affect on me. ha ha ha. okay, now you know way too much information on me. i'm that little boy who finally tasted an ounce of
courage and didn't want to let go of it save i slipped back into the sniveling little small town chew toy i once was. i also love that it was a hodgepodge of a few
really affective moves. like that 'real' clip of the 'elbow, headbutt, and low kick'. as if he's just throwing it out as it presents itself. not that combo stuff. just
sort of thuggish.
well (exhaling now)...don't know if that's what you wanted, but that's what i have to contribute.