Hey Richie,
ON another forum,there was a bit of confusion about the point you were trying to make with your psychological fence mindfuck pattern interrupt /strongly established line in the sand with strong intent to go physical the moment your awarness picked up any attacker crossed that line......Plus your unexpected chosen speech, behavior, casual body language( eg the calmly "I'm gonna tie my shoes bud, while doing that, seemingly leaving you more vulnerable) to attacker's verbal assault on your mind to freeze/intimidate you before the sucker physical attack OR to push your buttons to get a you to react would be a total pattern interruption of the prefight ritual/script....I can visualize that if a perp was in that fictional character Tony Soprano's face blasting him with verbal aggression and Tony says" just a sec, I'm gonna tie my shoelaces while his body language just oozes that confidence in the face of aggression and willingness to inflict casual violence...the perp would be thinking along the lines of "oh oh, this dude is not playing the part of a "victim"...he must have some sort of edge...which would cause doubt and flip the predator /prey mentality.
Since you're a member already, why not hear the answer from the source?
"Prefight Psychology...I'm confused"
ta Warren