i know the road to rehab is often to stay away from
...that have a trigger affect to: drink/smoke/inject, whatever...
like that ciggy people have at a certain hour of the day in a certain area, with a certain person.
all that brain muscle memory stuff. i wondered about other stuff. like crime and how it affects and
jades us.
i saw a neighbor reach out to a drunken idiot, eventually winning him over with christian salt of the
earth sensibilities. i was a snow boot away [one shoed moron dance] from offering assistance that
they [my gentle and kind neighbors] probably didn't need or want. a heart beat away from shoeing
someone up the street. a subconscious thrill away from whatever...
i had to wonder why they were so successful, if i was ever like that once, if so what had changed me.
perhaps a mugger for mum, a con for me, some other little ditties of drug adict arseholes that not only
beg but attempt to intimidate. all those little negative momentoes over the years that trigger my responses toward, "oh, i guess i have to get rid of this dick head" and not, "lets see if nice works, and
if it doesn't..."
got me thinking is all. at first my take was, "my poor idiot neighbors"
then i wondered, "should i learn from them?"