After several weeks out of commission training wise, I returned today with the vigor and hunger of a beast. I almost couldn’t contain my excitement prior to and once at the gym, my body could barely keep up with my mind.
I trained chest, triceps and some abs. I also did some rounds on the rope with some shadow boxing and movement drills. After this I attacked the bags, did various drills as well as throwing some bombs.
I feel pretty good, I’m tired and still sweating, but I feel good. On Clarence’s advice I picked up some nutritional supplements. Spent a pretty penny so I am going to put this to use and put in the work.
I picked up some NOxplode and Nitrix. I also picked up some whey protein and a synthetic vitamin pack. Clarence seems to think that organic stuff is garbage, I’m pretty knowledgeable on these things, but I’ve been off of supplements for a long time, so I’ll simply take Clarence’s advice and see how it works, as he said “it can’t get any worst”. Lol. True point there!
So far, I feel strong and good. I’m gonna start taking in a lot more protein, if I can pull a look like Clarence, I’ll be alright!
So here’s to training, here’s a big up to Clarence for the pep talk and advice, and here’s to heart so I won’t quit and will push through. Most importantly, here is to health, may I stay healthy and strong during this go around!