- Russ the Muss wrote:
- finally a cop came as promised and looked like he was going to quickly drive past. i stopped him and figured out
the system at last. they were trying to push the buck and as long as i stood there, in effect, they were saying 'he's
your problem'.
i got the cop to start talking to him, took quit exit and watch from afar. it was the trick that worked. it was now his moral
responsability to figure out a solution other than leaving him to the elements.
Reading the preview of a book about funny cop stories. One cop told a story of how they had been called at the end of their shift to respond to reports of a dead body in the street. It was winter, the guy was a bum and was frozen stiff, and they reasoned that doing the paperwork for this would leave to a load of overtime and so on, and they knew another jurisdiction began across the street. So reasoning that he wasn't going to get any deader they carried him over to the other side of the street, leaving him to the other jurisdiction. Next day they are called to the same place, and find that the other cops had carried him back to their side of the street again.
Pushing the buck!
Our biological motivation is to seek pleasure, avoid pain and conserve energy doing it. It takes values to do the right things, and values are getting rare. Moral corruption if you will.
This reminded me of the monkeysphere article linked elsewhere. Do you think any of these people would do the same if it was a close relative of their in that chair. A father or grandfather? I doubt it. I don't think he was
really human to them. Just the thing in a chair that forces them to get off their ass for five minutes.
It also reminded me of the Kitty Genovese thread. Again illustrating the importance of isolating the person who must help, trapping them in the responsibility so that an endless cycle of pushing the buck between onlookers doesn't happen.
What happens when they are alone with the person in need of help shows that they DO care, otherwise they'd walk away, but if there are others present they just believe that the problem IS solved, just by someone else. Not being trumped by a higher motivation, their biological motivation to be lazy takes the seat.