That was a great TV series. I remember watching it when I was quite young, not long before I got into 'reality-based' stuff.
My thoughts when watching the clip.... there comes a time when the pushing/shoving/posturing/talking/grabbing has to stop and it becomes head-hunting time. Never been in that sort of scenario (well, at least not as a combatant anyway) but if I was surrounded by hostiles and felt overwhelmed I think my natural reaction would be to start boxing my way out - power punching anything that came within my line of fire. Aiming for heads. If things get clinchy: head butts. Whatever the tool, it would have to powerful and ballistic for me. Maximum aggression. Shit, I felt myself almost growling just watching the clip lol
I've read Geoff Thompson's accounts of being in such situations, and he basically did that; punched his way out. And when he looked back there would be bodies strewn all over the floor. I think when you've done some boxing, it's always there as a back-up for when the shizzle's hit the fanizzle.