This is just an excellent answer(thanks Richie) to all « artists » wondering why training the whole martial styles (without even understanding bushido of course) for years and one day…boum-bang, got beaten. You must check it up!
As a soldier, never had a problem…had only orders. Had some uniform in sight, other than mine, I saw a target not a human. I didn’t think pre-emptive, was already engaged.
Once back to normal life, I didn’t know how to deal with civilians, couldn’t asses the human factor and find the real enemy…acting confuse. What I needed was to change my point of view.
Now, I don’t see the targets…I see the objects and deshumanise the same way as in elite forces but now I’m well conscious about it and I’m using the fence as learned from Richie’s dvds. So, now I'm not scared of normal civilised life, it's a pleasure walking outside with my wife and the kids...ready & self-confident;