finally someone has broken the code...up until now, i've just being peeing on the first guy on the left middle side of the back, uhm...oh forget it.
nice's funny because it's so bloody true
in reality, i'm the guy in the shit-stall just blowing my nose. i'm perpetually saying
'f&*k-off" to anyone trying to strike up conversation, etc...i just don't get those who
turn toilets into social clubs. i work in a school where you'd think they wanted to
stay there all day--around the urinals.
so much there it conjures up. there should be another 'study' [ahem] on why guy's
toilets have loads of soap and drying paper, and the lady's room doesn't [guys aren't
using the soap and paper]. when i figured this little ditty out, i turned my once-handshake
into a boxer's style knuckle bump. there are some filthy lads out there.